justice, kindness, humility

Friday, February 16, 2007

Diary of a Site Visit (the drinking game)

If you liked Diary of a Site Visit, you'll love Diary of a Site Visit: The Drinking Game!

Drink every time I get a call from a TL
Drink every time I cross a state border (and cheer, of course)
Drink every time events happen within 5 minutes of each other
Drink every time I eat something

If any two or more of the following happen simultaneously (eg: a TL calls me within 5 minutes of another event), drink to the bottom and refill.

If you aren't totally sloshed... you didn't read my blog.

Peace y'all,

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Diary of a Site Visit: Day 2

Diary of a Site Visit


7:00 am - Somebody random’s very long and annoying alarm goes off
7:15 am - Jory’s alarm goes off
7:30 am - Jory’s alarm goes off
7:33 am - My alarm goes off/ I get out of bed
7:45 am - Jory’s alarm goes off
8:00 am - Eat breakfast with Eagle 1 and Fire 2 CMs
8:15 am - Everyone meets, ready for work and to meet up with the site supervisor
8:55 am - The site supervisor shows up and we get to work
9:00 am - A voicemail from Megan shows up, telling me that her team is at a different location than the one for which I have directions
9:03 am - Call Megan’s sponsor to get new directions; write it on a series of 4 tiny heart shaped sticky notes
9:05 am - Work with Eagle 1 and Fire 2 to spackle, sand and paint a room
9:53 am - Leave Eagle 1 and Fire 2; hike out onto a trail that we built during Team Leader mini-spike last year
10:00 am - Exit trail; pack up truck
10:10 am - Hit the road
10:17 am - Cynthia calls about grocery shopping
10:20 am - Stop to look at map and decide which way to go
10:23 am - Laura calls about grocery shopping
10:45 am - Cheer at Delaware border
10:49 am - Peek into lunch bag and grab a snack
10:50 am - Decide it would probably been a better idea to keep my lunch bag in the bed of the truck… and out of my reach
11:02 am - Megan calls to confirm my location
11:06 am - Realize that I have probably missed my turn-off; decide to go one more mile before turning around
11:08 am - Turn around
11:28 am - Start to doubt the entire existence of Anchor Inn Road
11:29 am - Find Anchor Inn Road
11:44 am - Find next turn off (Gum Bush Road); pause to take picture of… interestingly edited street sign
11:50 am - Arrive at DNEER site where Eagle 2 is working; sit down to join a catered lunch that is well under way
12:07 pm - Start working (pulling staples out of the floor of this house they are refurbishing for office space)
1:07 pm - Check out my atlas and decide a route home
1:10 pm - Head back out on the road to The Point
2:01 pm - Cheer at Maryland border
2:37 pm - Arrive at the Point within moments of my fellow UDAs… oh yeah we have they special UDA psychic link.

Good thing too, because immediately thereafter we had to start planning for 11 CMs to head down to Florida for disaster deployment… but that is a whole other story.

Peace y'all,

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Diary of a Site Visit: Day 1

So, seeing as my mother mentioned that she has to say things like: "No, Ali's not dead, but I only know this because her brother told me and I received a strange text about airport security" I decided that it was about time I update my blog.

To give y'all a little insight into my life/job, I present:

Diary of a Site Visit


7:00 am - Alarm goes off
7:01 am - Cynthia calls to tell me she has a CM who is too sick to go on mini-spike and needs to go to the doctor
7:58 am - Get to the office (both of my housemates/fellow UDAs are already on the road for their site visits)
8:00 am - Greta calls to ask me to find work for a CM in her unit who didn't go to mini-spike because he has a sprained ankle
8:05 am - Arrange work for CM with Ed and Q, find out Bridget is already on the road to the doctor
8:11 am - Find out that Kelly Jane is going to Syracuse, so there is noone else to drive Cynthia's CM to the doctor
8:27 am - Pick CM up for work and arrange for Bridget to turn around to take other CM to doctor
8:55 am - Jimmy calls, thinking I am Cynthia (apparently not everyone got the memo about the phones being misprogrammed)
9:27 am - Finish printing off the last of the directions for my trip as Judd's CM meets me for her dentist appointment
9:43 am - Having picked up my stuff, we hit the road to PA
10:00 am - Cheer at the Pennsylvania border
10:49 am - Arrive at CM's dentist appointment in Coatesville, PA (near Lancaster)
11:30 am - Eric calls to let me know their sleeping arrangements have changed (seeing as it is inexplicably 7 degrees instead of the 33 it was the day before) and he needs me to pick up blue mats for him
11:32 am - Call Q to let him know I will be needing nine blue mats
12:00 pm - Dentist says that CM needs an emergency root canal (which is covered by our health plan... the cap that goes on it, however, is not)
12:02 pm - Grab my lunch and settle in with Superheroes and Philosophy and a peanut butter sandwich
12:07 pm - Call Judd to let him know what time we will be arriving at their spike site and get detailed directions
12:09 pm - Judd's phone cuts out (you see, there are still places in this world without cell phone reception and in NCCC we like to find them and work in them)
12:50 pm - Completing stage one of the root canal, CM sets up a follow-up appointment (oh, yes, another hour-long drive to the dentist is in my future) and we hit the road
1:00 pm - Stop for gas and so CM can buy a disposable camera
1:23 pm - Cheer at Maryland border
1:39 pm - Arrive at Camp Conowingo; luckily a maintenance worker finds us and we follow him back into the woods
2:18 pm - Finally succeed in hooking up with Eagle 5 (Judd) and hike into the trail that Eagle 3, Eagle 5 and Wolf 4 have been building; visit with CMs
3:02 pm - Hike back out and take CM's stuff to her spike housing
3:10 pm - Head back out on the road to The Point
3:37 pm - Arrive at The Point; pick up blue mats and print new directions
4:20 pm - Eric calls to confirm my arrival time; asks me to pick up smores stuff
4:23 pm - Leave The Point on the way to site visit #2
4:40 pm - Stop at Food Lion to get smores stuff and find a container of reduced fat Pringles on sale
4:47 pm - Back on the road
4:50 pm - Throw the third-eaten container of Pringles across the truck cabin so I can't reach them anymore
4:53 pm - Reach across the cabin to retrieve the Pringles
4:55 pm - Throw the half-eaten container of Pringles back across the cabin
4:58 pm - Cheer at Delaware border
5:07 pm - Get to Lums Pond State Park; drive through looking for van
5:12 pm - Call Eric to find out where exactly they are in the park; he tells me to look for the van, then realizes that the van isn't there because he has taken it out to run errands
5:15 pm - Find the team (in a room full of stuffed beavers and turtle tanks) and hang out until Eric and other CMs arrive
5:45 pm - Cook a dinner of chili and vegis on a Coleman camping stove; I brought corn bread to share from home
6:32 pm - Group excursion to the (unlit) bathroom to rinse dishes... you have no idea just how dark and ghetto fab this process was
7:00 pm - Head to another building to build a fire, do reflection activities and make smores
8:17 pm - Make a smore and head out
8:20 pm - Call Jory to let her know what time I will be arriving
8:23 pm - Arrive at park entrance to find I have been locked in; Call Eric, who gives me the code
8:39 pm - Defrost fingers and get on road after finally making lock work
9:05 pm - Cheer at Maryland border
9:30 pm - Arrive at Camp Pecometh; unload truck, make bed (sheet, blanket, tiger) and sit down to watch RENT with some members of Eagle 1
11:00 pm - Lights out and RENT off; read a bit of my Bible study by the glow of the bathroom door

Wow, this is long... and yet I find it to be informative/fun. So, if you like that little bit of Ali-age, stay tuned for Diary of a Site Visit: Day 2. Same Bat-time; same Bat-channel.

Peace y'all,