justice, kindness, humility

Sunday, March 04, 2007

TL, part deux

In the way that NCCC does, things changed last Friday evening. Where I was going to be the only STLUDA in Perry Point, I found out Friday that instead I was going to be traveling down to NOLA leading Wolf 5 for a couple weeks. The bad news was that that meant that I had like 5 jobs to do (and cram into 3 very long days), but the good news is that I got to chill on the road and stay in hotels for 2 nights.

Sidebar: I've never read a romance novel in my life, until driving two days ago. I managed that day to read the entirety of One Night Wife, a Harlequin Romance. It's funny. That curiosity has now been satiated. I don't think I ever need to read another romance novel... although they do read very quickly (note that I - who reads very slowly - finished an entire book in less than 8 hours). One bit of annoyance however: if I have to read one more description of a dudes freakin' blue-grey eyes, I think I will jab my eyes out. Seriously, author lady, women like eyes, but not that much!

So here I find myself back in NOLA and back leading a team. Weird. In some sense it's easy and in some sense it's totally tangential from what my life has become. Either way, it's fun being in NOLA for a couple weeks and it's great seeing that - even since I was last here in August - more things are being be built and rebuilt.


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