justice, kindness, humility

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here they come...

So, the CMs arrive tomorrow! I can hardly believe how time flies. I have let everything slide: haven't done anything with ASK since National Meeting, have barely called people back, haven't got a dance class or social outlet lined up, haven't even finished all my unpacking. However, there will be plenty of time for that... later.

I'm glad to be done with Team Leader training, because I don't have to go through CTI this year! Well, at least not as intensely. Now is the time that I actually get to start doing my UDA work. Woot.

Not much else to report. Watched a bunch of movies this weekend and went to Medieval Times! Oh! It finally snowed!

Other than that, just looking forward to seeing Ian again.

Peace y'all,

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I need to quit my job so I can work more...

I'm ba-ack. At the Point, in Maryland, NE Region and whatnot. We are now a solid two days into TL training and I discovered that what I really need to do is not be going through the exact training I had last year all over when I could be doing my actual job. Oh well, it is pleasant bonding with Team Green XIII. They are wicked outgoing and a lot of fun.

True to form, I move to a new area and start to get a cold. It could be because I am living in the same layout of house as last year, but this one was attacked by a carpet monster. However, on the good end - I found out at my physical today that I am indeed not pregnant. Woo... I was worried about that one (dripping sarcasm).

It was fun to be home in IA for the holidays, but now that I am back it feels like I never left (almost... I do still have a lot of unpacking to do).

Peace y'all,
Ali :)