justice, kindness, humility

Monday, December 04, 2006

Google Yourself; No, Really, it's fun.

So, in the grand tradition of staying up later than I should... I decided to Google myself. This activity (although it may sound narcissistic) never seems to disappoint. Probably at the top of the list - although buried in the search - was an interview I did with the Iowa IAI after attending their conference immediately after college. I never actually got to see the article and it amazes me just how much it sounds like me (probably because I sent them the answers in an e-mail and they used my actual words, unlike a certain newspaper that never ceases to misquote and make a person sound stupid).

I find it interesting how Googling one's self can remind you about things you care about, things that are blasts from the past; things you that look pretty good on a resume, things that are a little embarrassing, but make a good story; things you've done, things you definitely didn't do, no matter what a stupid website says; etc... anyway, I really need to get to bed. Hope you enjoy my Google finds.

(That's Alison P Mostrom, not Alison M Mostrom... I never did like Biology)