Today at a gut we found newspapers from December of 1941 underneath the flooring. It was like uncovering some sort of archaeological relic, carefully scraping away the layers so that we could see the treasure below.
The papers showed editorial cartoons of Satan and Hitler, advertisements for Defense Bonds and $49 bedroom or living room sets, a picture of Ronald Reagan in International Squadron, Little Abner and headlines speaking about the Allies.
It's amazing what one can uncover when gutting a house. Usually, we make decisions about all the junk we want to get rid of - that we wouldn't want someone gutting our house to find/deal with - or rules about construction (#1 - take out the old before putting in the new). Yet, sometimes, you find something special - a bit of treasure - that you never would have expected and it makes you wonder: what would people 65 years from now think about our cartoons, ads, arts and headlines?.
Peace Y'all,
PS - Want to find a bit of your own treasure (sorry, more likely from 2003 than 1941)? Go to www.geocaching.com (I am now officially an addict).